SCY300 – Dinner

The dinner will commence at 7.30pm on Saturday 21st September, and there will also be a reception beforehand (timings and details to follow). The Maypole is booked for the usual after dinner entertainment. All members, their partners and all friends of the society welcome!

Tickets are now on sale at £79 for a Wine ticket and £69 for non-Wine ticket. We are delighted to also offer a reduced-price ticket at £45 for those under 26 (for the first 30 to apply) and note also tickets can be bought in instalments.

With high demand anticipated and limited places available then we strongly recommend booking early to avoid disappointment. [27/3 – there are still tickets including U26 places available!]

To book a ticket please make a payment using the details below and then email Dinner Ticket Purchase with your names, wine/none wine choice and indicating any special dietary requirements.

How to Pay

Obviously payment via BACS is preferred though we can process cheques and cash.

Payment via BACS to “Society of Cambridge Youths”, Sort Code: 09-01-50 Account: 05355087 and please ensure you include your name in the reference field.

If you wish to spread the cost by paying in 2 or 3 instalments then please let the Treasurer know via Installments indicating how much/when.

For payment via Cheque please make cheques payable to “Society of Cambridge Youths” and post to c/o Risby Manor South, The Green, Risby, Suffolk IP28 6QR. Please email Dinner Ticket Purchase so we can check it arrives.